Announcements for Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost- 10 AM

The Collect for Proper 23A

Lord, we pray that your grace may always precede and follow us, that we may continually be given to good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


The Mountain

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:


Readings from the Lectionary


 Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
Matthew 22:1-14 


Who’s Who Sunday


           Exodus – Bev Barton

           Matthew – Duane Brown

           Psalm and Prayers – Elizabeth Higgins

           Responder – Judi Shank



Scott’s Schedule 


     October 12 – Office Closed – Indigenous People’s Day; Bible Study 7-8:30 pm

     October 13 – Online Morning Chat 8:30; Weekly Council 2:30-3:30 pm

     October 14– Online Morning Chat 8:30

     October 15 - Online Morning Chat 8:30; Office Hours, 9-12

     October 16 – Sabbath Day

     October 17 – Sabbath Day



Upcoming Events


     October 11 – Annual Pledge Campaign Ingathering; CARJ will meet after the morning service

     October 12 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Office Closed

     October 20 – Vestry Meeting



Server Schedule







Oct 18

Bruce Lather

Carol Lane

Exodus 33: 12-23

Matthew 22: 15-22

Andrew Pillsbury

R: Bev Barton

Oct 25

Judi Shank

Barb Lather

Deuteronomy 34: 1-12

Matthew: 22: 34-46

Bev Barton

R: Elizabeth Higgins




St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)



Please send event and announcements to



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Prayer Requests for Sunday, October 11


For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our presiding bishop; Shannon, our bishop; Scott, our priest; the ministry of Shannon, our 11th bishop; St. Paul’s Church, Wells; Pray for the Church of the Province of Uganda.


For those bearing the responsibility of leadership: especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, those doing the work of governance, and for a fair and ethical election process.


For those serving in the Armed Forces:  Josh, Ben, Grant, Jesse, Isaac


For victims of every cruelty: for the exploited and their exploiters; for the fearful and threatened; for those committing acts of destruction and terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For those asking for our prayers:  Mary Corrigan; David Briggs and family; Kin and family; Emma, Andrew, and baby; the Sweeney family; Bambi; Sue and family; Hazel Burton Gray; Helen Hanson; Archer David; everyone affected by COVID-19, and for our country as we reopen; our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, and the entire LAMB community; all refugees; the hungry and the isolated; the poor and the oppressed; the unemployed and those worried about their employment; the homeless and the destitute; prisoners and captives; everyone touched by violence and those who protect us from it; the safety of first responders, and all who are affected by natural disasters  and disease around the world.


For those who have died:  Bonnie Briggs, William Schultz, Margo Sweeney


In thanksgiving: for this parish family and our continuing good health; for our vestry and their hard work; for all God’s blessings around us; for children and grandchildren; for missing children returned to their homes; for the gift of faith and the hope of peace; for the ability to worship together from home and as we reopen; for everyone going out of their way to help others.




Please send prayer requests to


Making a Prayer Request there are changes to the procedure – please read carefully -  Requests for prayer should be emailed to This way both Jenny and Paula can keep track of requests and make sure they are added to the announcements prayer list. CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests should be emailed to Paula Stevens at or call her at 802 296-3123. Confidential requests will be shared with the prayer ministry members only.



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October 11 – Ingathering Sunday - Gentle Reminder--This Sunday, October 11th, is in-gathering Sunday. Please turn in your pledge cards so that the Finance Committee and Vestry know what "seeds" we have to work with for our 2021 budget. Thank you.


October 11 -CARJ will meet after zoom morning worship on Sunday, October 11th. All are invited to join us.



October 12 – Bible Study – 7-8:30 pm all are welcome! We will be focusing on the readings for Sunday, October 18, Proper 24 A: Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 and Matthew 22:15-22. No prior experience needed to attend.



            Prayers to Uphold Us:

                        We are collecting prayers that have helped you over the last ten months and will continue

to  help you in the months ahead. We welcome prayers you have heard, read, written,

prayers that have deepened your faith and strengthened your relationship with God, Jesus,

and Holy Spirit.

                        In the weeks and months ahead, please send me your prayers and I will submit 2-3 prayers

each week to our weekly announcements. Tuesday will be the deadline. If prayers are sent to me after Tuesday, I will submit them the following week. These are very challenging times and I feel called to share prayers that will sustain us and comfort us.

                        Holly Hall   802 295 9095


           Excerpts from,

             A Prayer of Hope During the Pandemic by Rabbi Naomi Levy


            "Teach us God to turn our 

             panic into patience.

            And our fear into acts of  

             kindness and support.

            Our strong must watch  out for our weak.

            Our young must take care of our old.

            Help each one of us to do our part to halt the spread of the virus.


            Send us health, God,

            watch over us.

            Grace us with your love, bless us with your healing light.

             Hear us God. 

            Heal us God. 



            Isaiah 58:11

            " And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and  make    your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water who's waters do        not fail."


            Revelations 22:17

            "Let one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes, take the free gift of the water of life."




Advent and Christmas PlanningI am currently planning Advent and Christmas worship opportunities. If you have special hymns or music, ‘traditions’ or the like that make Advent and/or Christmas meaningful, please share those ideas with me. ( I hope to plans finalized by November 1. Thanks, Scott




Ongoing Information:


Remember to Invite your Friends and Family worship - Welcoming Visitors and Guests – in recent weeks, many of you have asked permission to invite friends and neighbors to worship on Sunday mornings. Asking me, “Is it okay if I invite…?” or “Would you invite…? St. Paul’s continues to be a welcoming community even though we are gathering online. So please invite your friends, neighbors, and family to join us on Sunday morning or anytime we meet if you feel they would enjoy the experience or are looking for a faith community at this time. Simply forward the parish email with the link information to them.



Important ‘Private” Conversations while on Zoom – please remember we can hear everything that is being said when we are gathered on Zoom. This is especially important when new people join us. Please make sure not to say, ‘who is that person’ or ‘why are they here.’ I’ve heard these comments in the past few of weeks. There are few filters and your microphone is very sensitive and picks up everything clearly in your

Announcements for Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost- 10 AM



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The Collect for Proper 23A


Lord, we pray that your grace may always precede and follow us, that we may continually be given to good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


The Mountain

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:


Readings from the Lectionary


 Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
Matthew 22:1-14 


Who’s Who Sunday


           Exodus – Bev Barton

           Matthew – Duane Brown

           Psalm and Prayers – Elizabeth Higgins

           Responder – Judi Shank



Scott’s Schedule 


     October 12 – Office Closed – Indigenous People’s Day; Bible Study 7-8:30 pm

     October 13 – Online Morning Chat 8:30; Weekly Council 2:30-3:30 pm

     October 14– Online Morning Chat 8:30

     October 15 - Online Morning Chat 8:30; Office Hours, 9-12

     October 16 – Sabbath Day

     October 17 – Sabbath Day



Upcoming Events


     October 11 – Annual Pledge Campaign Ingathering; CARJ will meet after the morning service

     October 12 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Office Closed

     October 20 – Vestry Meeting



Server Schedule







Oct 18

Bruce Lather

Carol Lane

Exodus 33: 12-23

Matthew 22: 15-22

Andrew Pillsbury

R: Bev Barton

Oct 25

Judi Shank

Barb Lather

Deuteronomy 34: 1-12

Matthew: 22: 34-46

Bev Barton

R: Elizabeth Higgins




St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)



Please send event and announcements to



+ + + + + + +




Prayer Requests for Sunday, October 11


For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our presiding bishop; Shannon, our bishop; Scott, our priest; the ministry of Shannon, our 11th bishop; St. Paul’s Church, Wells; Pray for the Church of the Province of Uganda.


For those bearing the responsibility of leadership: especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, those doing the work of governance, and for a fair and ethical election process.


For those serving in the Armed Forces:  Josh, Ben, Grant, Jesse, Isaac


For victims of every cruelty: for the exploited and their exploiters; for the fearful and threatened; for those committing acts of destruction and terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For those asking for our prayers:  Mary Corrigan; David Briggs and family; Kin and family; Emma, Andrew, and baby; the Sweeney family; Bambi; Sue and family; Hazel Burton Gray; Helen Hanson; Archer David; everyone affected by COVID-19, and for our country as we reopen; our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, and the entire LAMB community; all refugees; the hungry and the isolated; the poor and the oppressed; the unemployed and those worried about their employment; the homeless and the destitute; prisoners and captives; everyone touched by violence and those who protect us from it; the safety of first responders, and all who are affected by natural disasters  and disease around the world.


For those who have died:  Bonnie Briggs, William Schultz, Margo Sweeney


In thanksgiving: for this parish family and our continuing good health; for our vestry and their hard work; for all God’s blessings around us; for children and grandchildren; for missing children returned to their homes; for the gift of faith and the hope of peace; for the ability to worship together from home and as we reopen; for everyone going out of their way to help others.




Please send prayer requests to


Making a Prayer Request there are changes to the procedure – please read carefully -  Requests for prayer should be emailed to This way both Jenny and Paula can keep track of requests and make sure they are added to the announcements prayer list. CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests should be emailed to Paula Stevens at or call her at 802 296-3123. Confidential requests will be shared with the prayer ministry members only.



+ + + + + + +






October 11 – Ingathering Sunday - Gentle Reminder--This Sunday, October 11th, is in-gathering Sunday. Please turn in your pledge cards so that the Finance Committee and Vestry know what "seeds" we have to work with for our 2021 budget. Thank you.


October 11 -CARJ will meet after zoom morning worship on Sunday, October 11th. All are invited to join us.



October 12 – Bible Study – 7-8:30 pm all are welcome! We will be focusing on the readings for Sunday, October 18, Proper 24 A: Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 and Matthew 22:15-22. No prior experience needed to attend.



            Prayers to Uphold Us:

                        We are collecting prayers that have helped you over the last ten months and will continue

to  help you in the months ahead. We welcome prayers you have heard, read, written,

prayers that have deepened your faith and strengthened your relationship with God, Jesus,

and Holy Spirit.

                        In the weeks and months ahead, please send me your prayers and I will submit 2-3 prayers

each week to our weekly announcements. Tuesday will be the deadline. If prayers are sent to me after Tuesday, I will submit them the following week. These are very challenging times and I feel called to share prayers that will sustain us and comfort us.

                        Holly Hall   802 295 9095


           Excerpts from,

             A Prayer of Hope During the Pandemic by Rabbi Naomi Levy


            "Teach us God to turn our 

             panic into patience.

            And our fear into acts of  

             kindness and support.

            Our strong must watch  out for our weak.

            Our young must take care of our old.

            Help each one of us to do our part to halt the spread of the virus.


            Send us health, God,

            watch over us.

            Grace us with your love, bless us with your healing light.

             Hear us God. 

            Heal us God. 



            Isaiah 58:11

            " And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and  make    your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water who's waters do        not fail."


            Revelations 22:17

            "Let one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes, take the free gift of the water of life."




Advent and Christmas PlanningI am currently planning Advent and Christmas worship opportunities. If you have special hymns or music, ‘traditions’ or the like that make Advent and/or Christmas meaningful, please share those ideas with me. ( I hope to plans finalized by November 1. Thanks, Scott




Ongoing Information:


Remember to Invite your Friends and Family worship - Welcoming Visitors and Guests – in recent weeks, many of you have asked permission to invite friends and neighbors to worship on Sunday mornings. Asking me, “Is it okay if I invite…?” or “Would you invite…? St. Paul’s continues to be a welcoming community even though we are gathering online. So please invite your friends, neighbors, and family to join us on Sunday morning or anytime we meet if you feel they would enjoy the experience or are looking for a faith community at this time. Simply forward the parish email with the link information to them.



Important ‘Private” Conversations while on Zoom – please remember we can hear everything that is being said when we are gathered on Zoom. This is especially important when new people join us. Please make sure not to say, ‘who is that person’ or ‘why are they here.’ I’ve heard these comments in the past few of weeks. There are few filters and your microphone is very sensitive and picks up everything clearly in your private conversations (unlike in person conversations.) I invite you or remind you to mute yourselves if you are having a side bar with your spouse or another person in ‘your personal’ at home worship space What once was the privacy of your own home, has become a public worship and conversation room.


private conversations (unlike in person conversations.) I invite you or remind you to mute yourselves if you are having a side bar with your spouse or another person in ‘your personal’ at home worship space What once was the privacy of your own home, has become a public worship and conversation room.


AuthorSaint Pauls