Announcements for Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost- 10 AM
August 20 - Thursday Evening Prayer - 7 PM
Evening Prayer Order of Worship -August 20 Evening Prayer
August 23 - Sunday’s Morning Prayer Order of Worship
Morning Prayer Order of Worship - August 23 Morning Worship
Important Link Information
Here is the link information for worship, Morning Chat and Vestry meetings:
If you are dialing in by phone use the following information: 1-929-205-6099 and enter code 242193825#. Then another #. And then the password: 920290
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The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 16A
The Collect
Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Mountain
A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:
Readings from the Lectionary
Exodus 1:8-2:10
Psalm 124
Matthew 16:13-20
Who’s Who for August 23
Exodus – Judi Shank
Matthew – Bruce Lather
Psalms and Prayers – Andrew Pillsbury
Prayer Responder – Judi Shank
Scott’s Schedule
August 24 – Online Morning Chat 8:30
August 25 – Online Morning Chat 8:30; Weekly Council 2:30-4 pm;
August 26 – Online Morning Chat 8:30
August 27 – Online Morning Chat 8:30; Office Hours, 9-12;
August 28 – Sabbath Day
August 29 - Sabbath Day
August 31-September 13 - Vacation
Upcoming Events
August 31 – Vestry Meeting
August 31-September 13 – Scott’s vacation
September 15 – Vestry Meeting
St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22) and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)
Please send event and announcements to
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Prayer Requests for Sunday, August 23, 2020
For the Church: Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our presiding bishop; Shannon, our bishop; Scott, our priest; in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayers, we pray for All Saints Church, South Burlington; the Rev. David Hamilton, priest; in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Church of the Province of South East Asia.
For those bearing the responsibility of leadership: especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.
For those serving in the Armed Forces: Josh, Ben, Grant, Jesse, Isaac
For victims of every cruelty: for the exploited and their exploiters; for the fearful and threatened; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.
For those asking for our prayers: Elisa and Clayton Rice; Lisa Newton; David Hamilton; Chris Sprague; Ashley; Steve Kramer and family; Charlotte, Chris, and family; Joyce C.; Beau, his parents Samantha and Hamelton Boggs, and family; Joan Beebe; Al, Annie and Steve and family; Kara; Archer David; everyone affected by COVID-19, and for our country as we reopen; our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, and the entire LAMB community; all refugees; the hungry and the isolated; the poor and the oppressed; the unemployed and people uncertain about their employment; the homeless and the destitute; prisoners and captives; those touched by violence, and all who are affected by natural disasters and disease around the world.
For those who have died:
In thanksgiving: for this parish family and our continuing good health; for our vestry and their hard work; for all God’s blessings around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith and the hope of peace; for the ability to worship together from home; for everyone going out of their way to help others.
Please send prayer requests to
Making a Prayer Request there are changes to the procedure – please read carefully - Requests for prayer should be emailed to This way both Jenny and Paula can keep track of requests and make sure they are added to the announcements prayer list. CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests should be emailed to Paula Stevens at or call her at 802 296-3123. Confidential requests will be shared with the prayer ministry members only.
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September 6 and 13 – UPDATE - I will be away Sundays, September 6 and 13. Please explore other parishes these two Sundays (information for links and order of worship is found below.) Go as a group or as individuals. St. Paul’s folks will gather at 11 those Sundays for ‘Coffee Hour Breakout Rooms’ in the normal St. Paul’s Worship Room. I am hoping this time of exploration of other parishes will provide you ideas to be shared when I return on September 20. Thanks in advance for your time of exploration and sharing, Scott.
St. Barnabas, Norwich, VT - St. Barnabas Morning Prayer Service at 10 AM on Zoom or call in at 929-205-6099. The meeting identification number is 431134277. Order of worship is accessed through Google Doc here.
St. Martin’s Fairlee, VT – 10 AM worship – Link and order of worship can be found here
Church of our Savior – Mission Farm, Killington, VT – 9:30 AM - link and order of worship is can be found here
The National Cathedral streams its worship service on Sunday at 11:15 at
Diocese of Vermont - Bishop Shannon conducts morning prayer at 8:00 AM and evening compline at 8:00 PM. You can join by telephone or computer using a link provided at
2020 Diocesan Convention Delegation consists of the follow:
Delegates: Marge White, Andrew Pillsbury, Virginia Umland
Alternates: Nancy Snyder, Geri Williams, Joan Lawrence-Studebaker
Barbara Rector’s New Address :
12025 La Palmera Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89138
(603) 727-8914 new
Email remains the same
St. Paul’s Discretionary Fund Update – thank you for your generous donations to the Parish Discretionary Fund. Giving has been up since the beginning of CoVid-19. This has allowed us to help a large number of people in our neighborhood, some of our former shelter guests from last winter, but also many other individuals looking for assistance with gas cards, phone cards, rental fees, boots and other clothing, camp stove fuel, tents,etc. St. Paul’s has been able to fill in here and there with needs when other local agencies are of supplies themselves. Special thanks to Jenny Thomas, in our, who fields the majority of the inquires at this time. We then discuss each request and offer assistance when and where we are able.
The next Personal Mission Discovery series will begin on September 11, 2020 and registrations are now being accepted. The participants will meet via Zoom from 7-8:30 pm. As in previous years, those participating will discover, renew and deepen their sense of their unique personal mission by exploring three key questions: Who Am I?, Who Are THEY?, and Who Are WE? But over the summer, the process has undergone a significant revision to streamline the content and to make each session more dynamic, engaging, and interactive. The program has also been shortened from 12 to 10 sessions, but with two extra sessions optional for further exploration, mentoring, and planning. The series is open to anyone and can be taken multiple times as people’s circumstances change, offering new opportunities and challenges for serving Christ. People from outside St. Paul’s – or outside VT – are also welcome (that’s the beauty of Zoom!). So if you know anyone - a friend or relative anywhere - that might benefit from the program, please have them contact me at Duane Brown
The Upper Valley Haven News
Top Five Needs this Week:
macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, tuna, elbow macaroni, and canned tomatoes.
School Days at the Haven – The Upper Valley Haven is again making school supplies available to families who come to the Food Shelf. For a donation of $5.00 Staples will provide the various supplies – pencils, erasers, notebook paper, etc. – for one student. This saves you the shopping time to purchase the needed items, and assures the uniformity of supplies handed out. Stop in or call Staples to make a donation of $5.00 or more.
Relief for those in Beruit, Lebanon: In addition to organizations such as Episcopal Relief and Development, there are other organizations soliciting donations. I am in an on-line class with a Neil Holstein in Colorado who works with Lighthouse Arab World. He has sent us in his class the following email:
For those that are interested, this is our current donation page for our Lebanon relief campaign. There are some details on what we are doing on the page. I was hoping to send out an updated and better looking page, but it won’t be done for another couple of days.
Lighthouse Arab World is primarily a media company headquartered in Beirut with offices in Beirut, Cairo and recently Casablanca. Here’s a couple of examples of our programs:
Video from our “Small Letters” series
Our version of The Blessing
Please check out this possibility and see if you are called to contribute to them. Thanks—Jenny Thomas
Our Next Bible Study will be Monday, September 14 at 7 pm. We will focus on the readings for Sunday, September 21, Proper 20A, Exodus 16:2-15, Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45, Philippians 1:21-30 and Matthew 20:1-16. Everyone is welcome!
Just a quick reminder - Morning Chat happens Monday through Thursday from 8:30-9 am. This may not be a convenient time for you to gather and connect. If you or a group of you would like to have a conversation to just chat or check in with me email me at And we’ll find time to talk by phone or Zoom. Scott
Welcoming Visitors and Guests – in recent weeks, many of you have asked permission to invite friends and neighbors to worship on Sunday mornings. Asking me, “Is it okay if I invite…?” or “Would you invite…? St. Paul’s continues to be a welcoming community even though we are gathering online. So please invite your friends, neighbors, and family to join us on Sunday morning or anytime we meet if you feel they would enjoy the experience or are looking for a faith community at this time. Simply forward the parish email with the link information to them.
Important ‘Private” Conversations while on Zoom – please remember we can everything that is being said when we are gathered on Zoom. This is especially important when new people join us. Please make sure not to say, ‘who is that person’ or ‘why are they here.’ I’ve heard of these comments in the past few of weeks. There are few filters and your microphone is very sensitive and picks up everything clearly in your private conversations (unlike in person conversations.) I invite you or remind you to mute yourselves if you are having a side bar with your spouse or other person in ‘your’ worship space What once was the privacy of your own home, has become a public worship and conversation room.
Need some help with Zoom? – Rich Kremer is willing to help you become more comfortable with Zoom. Schedule time with Rich by emailing him at
Connection Issues - I am aware that there are some issues with people's ability to connect to Zoom with a stable connection. Here are a couple of suggestions. 1) Try stopping your video (on the lower left when the mouse is moved (if you are on a PC) and see if that resolves the issue. 2) Get off of Zoom and try reconnecting to the meeting. 3) Unplug your modem and turn your computer off. After 15 seconds plug the modem back in and restart your computer. Try joining the Zoom meeting again. I believe Zoom and the internet are being challenged by the increase in usage. Thanks, Scott