The Third Sunday of Easter

The Collect

O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain

Readings from the Lectionary for Sunday, April 26

Scott’s Schedule

April 27 – Online Morning Chat, 8:30 – 9:00; Office Hours, 9-12

                      On-line Bible Study, 7 pm

     April 28 – Online Morning Chat, 8:30 – 9:00

                     Online Evening Prayer, 6 pm

     April 29 -  Online Morning Chat, 8:30-9:00

                       Online Evening Prayer, 6 pm

     April 30 -  Online Morning Chat, 8:30-9:00; Office Hours, 9-12              

     May 1– Scott – Sabbath Day

     May 2– Scott – Sabbath Day


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)

Please send event and announcements to

Important Link Information

This link will continue to work also but requires a password:
Use this password: SPChurch. 

 If you are dialing in by phone use the following information: 1-929-205-6099 and enter code 242193825#. Then another #. And then the password:  920290 


Prayer Requests for April 26

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our presiding bishop; Shannon, our bishop; Scott, our priest; the ministry of Shannon, our 11th bishop; (add weekly greater Church prayers)

 For those bearing the responsibility of leadership: especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

 For those serving in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell, Alden, Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

 For victims of every cruelty: for the exploited and their exploiters; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

 For those asking for our prayers:  Al, Annie and Steve and family; the Hallas family; YuFeng and Charlie; Kara; Wesley Heights Memory Care; Archer David; Gillian and Sarah Stoodley, and all people recovering from the coronavirus, and their families and caregivers; Akash, Akhila, Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; all refugees; the poor and the oppressed; the unemployed; the homeless and the destitute; for prisoners and captives; for those touched by violence, and for those affected by natural disasters  and disease around the world.

 For those who have died: Cynthia Johnston Hallas

 In thanksgiving: for this parish family and our continuing good health; for our vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith and the hope of peace; for the ability to worship together from our homes; for all essential workers, volunteers, and those going out of their way to help others.

Please send prayer requests to

Making a Prayer Request - Requests for prayer should be emailed to This way both Jenny and Paula can keep track of requests and make sure they are added to the announcements prayer list. CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests should be emailed to Paula Stevens at or call her at 802 296-3123. Confidential requests will be shared with the prayer ministry members only.

April 26 - The CARJ group will meet via Zoom after Morning Prayer on Sunday morning, April 26th. If you're already logged on for worship you can just stay. Otherwise, use the same link that Scott sends out for Sunday worship and log in around 11:15. This time we'll be discussing THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas. We'll also talk about the impact of Covid on the black community and check in with each other.  Please join us even if you haven't read the book. These days, staying connected is more important than it's ever been. 

A request - We received a request from Michael Redmond asking if The Haven could place their dumpsters in the far corner of our parking lot tucked up by the hillside near them. This will allow them to expand their tent space and food distribution area. Don’t be surprised by this change. I believe it is an extension of our Shelter Ministry and part of our response to the CoVid-19 in the larger community. Thank you - Scott



Announcements for Sunday, April 26, 2020



The Third Sunday of Easter


The Collect

O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain



Readings from the Lectionary for Sunday, April 26




Scott’s Schedule













St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)


Please send event and announcements to



Important Link Information


Here is the link information for worship, Morning Chat and Vestry meetings:


If you are dialing in by phone use the following information: 1-929-205-6099 and enter code 242193825#. Then another #. And then the password:  920290 


This link will continue to work also but requires a password:
Use this password: SPChurch. 

Making a Prayer Request - Requests for prayer should be emailed to This way both Jenny and Paula can keep track of requests and make sure they are added to the announcements prayer list. CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests should be emailed to Paula Stevens at or call her at 802 296-3123. Confidential requests will be shared with the prayer ministry members only.



April 26 - The CARJ group will meet via Zoom after Morning Prayer on Sunday morning, April 26th. If you're already logged on for worship you can just stay. Otherwise, use the same link that Scott sends out for Sunday worship and log in around 11:15. This time we'll be discussing THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas. We'll also talk about the impact of Covid on the black community and check in with each other.  Please join us even if you haven't read the book. These days, staying connected is more important than it's ever been. 



A request - We received a request from Michael Redmond asking if The Haven could place their dumpsters in the far corner of our parking lot tucked up by the hillside near them. This will allow them to expand their tent space and food distribution area. Don’t be surprised by this change. I believe it is an extension of our Shelter Ministry and part of our response to the CoVid-19 in the larger community. Thank you - Scott





AuthorSaint Pauls