The Third Sunday in Lent

As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread in Vermont and New Hampshire, I am writing to let you know that Bishop Shannon and The Bishop of New Hampshire have both put out guidelines for worship multiple times this week. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop, issued a statement to the Church encouraging us to move all meeting and worship to online technologies. 

As a result of every changing guidelines and statements, the vestry and I feel it is best to move our Sunday morning worship time online for the time being. I will be sending complete instructions out on how this will work as soon as possible. This is a precautionary move. Our parish population has a significant number of ‘at risk’ people, therefore these precautions seem appropriate.

The weekly announcements will be sent shortly - please note a slightly different format, listing cancelled meetings and events, followed by a summary of events which are, at this time, ongoing. In the days and weeks ahead watch for updates.

God Bless, Scott

The Collect

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter: The Mountain

Readings from the Lectionary

Genesis 12:1-4a

Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

John 3:1-17

Psalm 121

Scott’s Schedule     

     March 16 – Office Hours, 9-12; Caring Ministries – online meeting

     March 17 – Weekly Council 2:30-4 pm; Vestry Meeting, 6:30 pm

     March 18 –

     March 19  - Office Hours, 9 - 12

     March 20 – Sabbath Day

     March 21 -  Sabbath Day


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)

Please send event and prayer updates to   

Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our Bishop; Scott our Priest; Ministry of Shannon, our 11th Bishop; St. Paul’s,Canaan; Province do L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For those asking for our prayers: Holly;  Kayci Bayerle; Pat H.; Susan, Judy and Cindy White; Yufeng and her husband Charlie, Judi; Barbara; Karen; Francis Monahan and the Breen family; Kevin; Ray Pecor; Terri Q., Mike Fraga; Sarah; Terry; Joan; Norma Hamel; Gloria Wheeler; Jay; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died: Theresa; Robert White; Francis Monahan; Norma, Lois Miller; Jean; Rodney Throne.

In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

Please send prayer requests to

General Announcements

The Prayer List: New for 2020

After over ten dedicated years, Holly Hall is stepping down from heading the Prayer Ministry. Beginning March 1, prayer requests to be included in the bulletin should be sent to Confidential requests for prayer should be sent to Paula Stevens at or you can call Paula at home at 802 296-3123.

Flu Season and Coronavirus Precautions:

Episcopal Relief and Development has posted some very helpful information about the Coronavirus and how to be proactive HERE

Good health practices:

·         Stay home when you are sick;

  • Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette, which means covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze;

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;

  • Maintain at least 3 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing; and

  • Practice good hand hygiene, which includes using hand sanitizer that is at least 60-95 percent alcohol or wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Helpful links:

CDC:  What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):

The possibility of quarantine of folks in our towns is becoming more and more real. If you are not prepared for a two-week quarantine, get supplies in, food, meds, toilet paper etc. This advice is not a designed as a panic message, but as a reality check.

Due to the services temporarily being on-line, the following meetings and events are Cancelled:

·         EFM for 3/12 – to be followed by on-line meetings. 

·         St. Paul’s Movie Night – tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 13

·         Parish Potluck and Discussion scheduled for March 21

·         The Lenten series this year Sacred Ground

·         WITNESS TO HISTORY:  The Philadelphia Eleven, scheduled  for March 29th

Ongoing Events of Interest:


Here is what we need:

10 Tuna Noodle Casseroles

10 boxes of ice cream sandwiches

5 volunteers to prepare and serve the dinner

Email Nancy Snyder to sign up.... or with A recipe for the casserole will also be on the bulletin board.

Each casserole should feed 10 people. Thank you!

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinner, April 1st

Who:  St. Paul’s Church commits to

What:  Provide dinner for 6-8 volunteer staff (entrée and side dishes OR soup, bread & salad OR a 1 dish meal: really whatever you might prepare at home!)

When:             On the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4pm,

Where:            To the Clinic in downtown White River Junction.

How:  Please sign up to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! 

There will be a sign up-sheet posted in the Parish Hall.

Contact Pam Hanson with any questions:  603-558-1239 or

New Items of Interest:

Upcoming UVIP Event: March 22

Changes are being made with UVIP.  You are invited to learn about these changes on Sunday, March 22nd at the UCC church in Hanover. The little white church by Dartmouth College.

UVIP is merging with two other Interfaith organizations.  The New Hampshire churches, affiliated with UVIP, are invited to join Granite State Operating Project (GSOP) out of Manchester, NH.  Vermont churches, affiliated with UVIP, are invited to join Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA).

Come and learn about the polices, procedures and projects of these two organizations on Sunday, March 22nd and identify how this change will affect you...a member of St Paul’s ... and our surrounding community.

The event begins at 3:00 and representatives, from both organizations, plan to present an innovative and interesting program for all of us.

Sally McFarlin.   UVIP Representative from St Paul’s Church

Come Learn to do Ukranian Easter Eggs!: April 4th
·         Come learn to make a Ukranian Easter Egg (pysanky).
·         Saturday, April 4th from 2-4:30pm in S

Personal Mission Discovery beginning April 17th

Personal Mission Discovery is a twelve-week process to help people discover what God is calling them to do in the world today.  I call it a “process” rather than a “program” or a “course” because it is not designed to give participants preconceived answers or just convey information, but to help them develop the kind of relationship with God through which Divine love and guidance become more clear, direct, and personal.  This process will unfold as we focus on three key questions:

          1) Who am I? 

            2) Who are THEY? and

            3) Who are WE? 

These three questions are all central to any form of ministry that we might carry out as people of faith.  We will spend four weeks exploring each question.  The first week will introduce the theme.  The second week will explore how we think about the theme.  The third week will explore how we feel about the theme.  And on the fourth week, we will explore how we want to express that theme in our lives.  In other words, we will explore these questions not only with our Heads, but also with our Hearts and our Hands - how we think, feel and act as Jesus’ disciples.  We will explore some of the unique (and often hidden) gifts God has given us for ministry, as well as some of the resistance that keeps us from using them more effectively.

This twelve-week experience is open to anyone who is seeking a deeper connection to God and to those with whom we share God’s Creation.  Sessions will meet at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish House beginning on Friday, April 17, 7:00 - 8:30 pm.  Those wishing to participate are asked to register in advance by  contacting me at or by phone at 802-369-9961.  (Registration is essential in order to ensure that enough materials will be available for everyone planning to attend.)  A free-will offering will be taken at the initial session to offset the costs of materials and leadership. 

I look forward to hearing from you. Duane R. Brown

Looking forward to Easter:

We continue to meditate and examine our hearts during this time of Lent and look forward to the Pascal Season and the Celebration of the Resurrection, meaningful in perhaps a deeper way this year. We anticipate being able to come together as a community during these special services:

April 5 -Palm/Passion Sunday

April 6-11 – Holy Week

April 11 – The Great Vigil of Easter

April 12 – Easter Day

If  you would like to contribute to Easter flowers, please person to be remembered, either In Loving Memory or In Thanksgiving for, the amount of your donation and you r name to church office

AuthorSaint Pauls