Set your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday!!
The Collect
O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:
The Mountain
Readings from the Lectionary
Scott’s Schedule
March 9 – Office Hours, 9-12; Bible Study, 7:00 pm
March 10 – Weekly Council 2:30-4 pm
March 11 –
March 12 – Out of town meeting
March 13 – Sabbath Day
March 14 - Sabbath Day
Who’s Who at 10 AM
Verger – Bev Barton
Greeter – Jane Davis
Host – Holly Hall
Readers – Jimmichael Ximemes-Engels, Carol Lane
Psalms and Prayers – Bev Barton
Chalice Bearers –Karen Smith, Jane Carroll
Assisting Clergy – Louise Pietsch
Nursery Care – Beth Neal
Announcements – Holly Hall
Coffee Hour - Kate Townsend, Katy Chaffee
Counters –Greg Taylor, Nancy Snyder
Altar Guild – All, as available
St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22) and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)
Upcoming Events
Please send event and prayer updates to
March 8 – Second Sunday in Lent; CARJ Book discussion
March 9 – Bible Study
March 11 – Men’s Coffee at McDonald’s
March 15 – Sacred Ground at Kendal
March 16 – LISTEN Dinner
March 16 – Caring Ministries Meeting
March 17 - Vestry Meeting
March 21 – Parish Potluck and Discussion
March 27-28 – Vestry Retreat at Mission Farm
April 5 -Palm/Passion Sunday
April 6-11 – Holy Week
April 11 – The Great Vigil of Easter
April 12 – Easter Day
Prayer Requests
For the Church: Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our Bishop; Scott our Priest; Ministry of Shannon, our 11th Bishop; St. Paul’s,Canaan; Province do L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.
For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.
For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.
For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.
For those asking for our prayers: Kayci Bayerle; Pat H.; Susan, Judy and Cindy White; Yufeng and her husband Charlie, Judi; Barbara; Karen; Francis Monahan and the Breen family; Kevin; Ray Pecor; Terri Q., Mike Fraga; Sarah; Terry; Joan; Norma Hamel; Gloria Wheeler; Jay; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.
For those who have died: Theresa; Robert White; Francis Monahan; Norma, Lois Miller; Jean; Rodney Throne.
In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.
Please send prayer requests to
General Announcements
The Prayer List: New for 2020
After over ten dedicated years, Holly Hall is stepping down from heading the Prayer Ministry. Beginning March 1, prayer requests to be included in the bulletin should be sent to Confidential requests for prayer should be sent to Paula Stevens at or you can call Paula at home at 802 296-3123.
A Reminder: This is a gentle reminder to please remember to keep your belongings with you during church and coffee hour. It is important that while we are hosting our neighbors from the Overnight Shelter we keep temptation to a minimum.
Flu Season and Coronavirus Precautions:
At the Peace - It is fine if you choose a friendly wave or bow with hand clasped instead of a handshake as a sign of peace.
At Communion - - I also remind you that “since we understand that Christ is fully present in both the bread and/or wine, you may choose to refrain from receiving the wine until the flu season has passed.” If you choose to receive wine from chalice, science has shown that it is better to drink from the cup then to intinct.
Episcopal Relief and Development has posted some very helpful information about the Coronavirus and how to be proactive HERE
Good health practices:
· Stay home when you are sick;
Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette, which means covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze;
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
Maintain at least 3 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing; and
Practice good hand hygiene, which includes using hand sanitizer that is at least 60-95 percent alcohol or wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Helpful links:
CDC: What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):
CDC: What to do if you are sick with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):
U.S. CDC Coronavirus Website:
The possibility of quarantine of folks in our towns is becoming more and more real. If you are not prepared for a two-week quarantine, get supplies in, food, meds, toilet paper etc. This advice is not a designed as a panic message, but as a reality check.
The Lenten series this year introduces Sacred Ground, a readings and film-based dialogue on race and faith developed by the National Episcopal Church. We will meet on the following six Sunday afternoons: March 1st, 15th, and 29th, April 19th, and May 3rd and 17th. The meetings will be held from 4 to 5:30 pm at Kendal in Hanover. Members of St. Barnabas and St. Martins are invited to join us.
Sacred Ground invites participants to reflect on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. It holds as its guiding star the vision of beloved community – where all people are honored and protected and nurtured as beloved children of God, where we weep at one another’s pain and seek one another’s flourishing.
There is no limitation on the number of participants but it is necessary to register in advance. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall and you can also sign up or ask questions by contacting Mary Burton at or call 603-277-9243.
Please join as many sessions as possible, but with the understanding that all dates may not work for everyone. All sessions are open to new participants. More information about Sacred Ground is available on the National Episcopal Church website at
Kendal is located in Hanover, at 80 Lyme Road (Route 10) about 2 miles north of Dartmouth. The entrance drive is on your left. Take a left at the intersection and continue to follow the road to the Community Center entrance. Parking is located to the left of the entrance. Check in at the front desk and tell the attendant you’re part of the Sacred Ground group and you’ll be directed upstairs to the meeting room.
March 8 – March Birthday Blessings
March 8 - CARJ group will meet at 11:45 on Sunday, March 8th in the Parish House. We'll be checking in with each other and reflecting on how our participation in CARJ intersects with our faith journeys. Everyone is welcome.
March 12-13 - Become a Disaster Case Manager Training in Williston
On March 12-13 at the FEMA Joint Field Office in Williston, Vermont VOAD (Vermont Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters) and the Vermont Agency of Human Services will sponsor a training program for volunteer disaster case managers who want to work with Vermonters impacted by disasters.
The Diocese of Vermont is a member of Vermont VOAD and has been asked to recruit volunteers who may be interested in helping with disaster relief and attending the training. Interested volunteers can email either Lynn Bates or Harry Kendrick, diocesan disaster coordinators.
Here is what we need:
10 Tuna Noodle Casseroles
10 boxes of ice cream sandwiches
5 volunteers to prepare and serve the dinner
There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board OR Email Nancy Snyder to sign A recipe for the casserole will also be on the bulletin board.
Each casserole should feed 10 people. Thank you!
March 21 - Vermont Special Olympics will have a Penquin Plunge at Bromley Mountain at 1pm. Their poster is on the Parish Hall bulletin board. Three Boys Baking uses our kitchen every Monday and Randi, Bo and Rose will take the plunge! They would appreciate anyone coming to cheer them on or help with fund raising.
A note regarding the Server schedule - It has come to my attention that scheduling changes are being made on the schedule in the hallway in the church. This is great but the office needs to be notified of those changes in order to provide accurate ‘Who’s Who’ listings in the weekly announcements. If you switch with someone on the schedule please be sure to notify Jenny in the parish office, Thank you, Scott
Three Boys Baking update - A quick reminder that Three Boys Baking Bakery is using our kitchen on Monday mornings. They have dedicated space in the shelves in the kitchen for their supplies and cooking utensils. Please do not use or move these items. Thanks, Scott
Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners
Who: St. Paul’s Church commits to
What: Provide dinner for 6-8 volunteer staff (entrée and side dishes OR soup, bread & salad OR a 1 dish meal: really whatever you might prepare at home!)
When: On the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4pm,
Where: To the Clinic in downtown White River Junction.
How: Please sign up to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others!
There will be a sign up-sheet posted in the Parish Hall.
Contact Pam Hanson with any questions: 603-558-1239 or
Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven: Tuna, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soup, shelf-stable milk, cream cheese and cheese.
Milk With Dignity is an effort to improve work and living conditions for dairy farm workers supported by UVIP, SURJ, Jewish Voice for Peace, and several other organizations. Hannaford's grocery stores are being encouraged to join the effort. Please come and help!
Visibility events are being held near the West Lebanon Hannaford’s store.
Week one of every month: UVIP: Every first Wednesday at 11am-12pm
Week two of every month: Rise! Upper Valley: Every second Tuesday 6-7pm
Week Three of every month: Jewish Voice for Peace: Every third Sunday 1pm
Week four of every month: SURJ: Every last Saturday at 11:30am
Caring Ministries - Caring Ministries is a group ministry made up of individuals interested in healing, prayer, and pastoral comfort. We meet 4-6 times a year in the Parish House to learn, share, and refresh our mission. Talk to Geri Williams (team leader), Scott Neal, or members you see offering healing prayer on Sundays for more information.
Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!